


Genosky本地历史系列是由Fr. Landry Genosky, O.F.M. (1914-1994),从他对昆西市历史的研究中得出, 伊利诺斯州突出了内战和汽船时代. The Genosky collection contains documents and photographs dated from 1830-1980 and measures about 75 linear feet.

Fr. Genosky was a professor of history at Quincy University (1960-1975) and a noted Civil War historian. He created this collection through his own research efforts and from donations from many local families. 收藏品包括信件, legal documents, research reports, 剪报和剪贴簿. 还有大量的照片收藏, 在几个罕见的摄影格式, 包含肖像和城市景观作为当地企业, public buildings, schools, homes, etc. The Genosky集合 is partially organized and is available to researchers. The Collection has been organized into three major divisions: secondary source documents as booklets, clippings and research reports; primary source documents as letters, diaries and legal papers; and photographs. As of this time, a complete archival guide to the Genosky集合 is not available, so researchers should contact Brenner Library for advise before visiting the collection.



全国天主教乐队协会(网址成立于1953年,推广天主教学校乐队. 开国和官方文件, records, schedules and photographs from the association are housed in the archives of the Brenner Library.

The collection totals about 15 linear feet of documentation and were donated to the archives by Ms. 帕姆·波特来自伊利诺伊州昆西市的昆西圣母高中. The collection was added to the archives in May of 2004 and is available for viewing by appointment.



《全球网络赌博平台》,由凯悦博士创作. 哈里·海厄特(1890-1980), is unique among folklore collections in the United States because it largely consists of data related to the study of African-American folklore. It contains notes, letters, documents, scrapbooks, 以及在旅行和研究中收集的照片. Hyatt in North Africa, Europe and the United States between 1920-1970.

特别令人感兴趣的是博士的录音带. Hyatt being interviewed discussing his life’s work and so provides a valuable oral history and background to the document collection.

The total collection measures about 25 linear feet and although it is not fully available to researchers, parts of the collection may be viewed with prior permission from Brenner Library.


珍本藏书 & Incunabula

我们的珍本藏书有4000册. There are 500 books on display for viewing on our main floor behind the Reference area.

The Huck’s Room collection occupies a temperature and humidity-controlled room in the library and numbers 3,500 volumes. 其中有46本最古老、最稀有的印刷书籍. These prized 46 are called “Incunabula” and are registered with the United States Library of Congress. The rest of the books in Huck’s Room are considered “rare” and were published 1501-1890.

“Incunabula”是拉丁语,意思是“摇篮里”,” referring to the cradle days of printing – from the invention of movable type to the turn of the century, from 1450 to 1500. 印刷机会使用黑色的文字, 还有一些卷是用彩色墨水手绘的.

In 1931, the Franciscans began to assemble old and rare books from their different houses in the United States. Three thousand, five hundred were collected, all printed before 1850, and housed in St. Louis. 1967年布伦纳图书馆建成后, these books were moved to their new home on the Quincy University campus.



The Tibesar日本收藏 was created as a result of the missionary work of Fr. Leopold Tibesar a Maryknoll missionary to China and Japan between 1927-1959. Fr. Tibesar (1898-1968) was a member of a large, well-known Quincy family which included his brother, Fr. Seraphin Tibesar全球赌博十大网站前校长.

Fr. Tibesar was a missionary to China (1927-1932) and to Japan (1933-1940 and again in 1946-1959). 在第二次世界大战期间. Tibesar returned to the United States and went with his Seattle parish of Japanese Americans and Japanese immigrants into an interment camp in Minidoka, ID. After the war, he returned to Japan and served as head of several Catholic charities involved in the rebuilding of that country.

Tibesar日本藏品由信件组成, documents, books, 照片和文物,包括硬币和艺术品. 收藏品的长度约为30英尺. 任何问题都可以通过电子邮件发送到



朱比利是一种出版的纪念品,用来庆祝圣. 弗朗西斯·索拉纳斯学院自1860年建校以来已经52年了. This document records everything from the college’s humble beginnings to its then current accomplishments of 1912.

这所学院是以圣. Francis Solano (1549-1610) who spent 14 years performing missionary work in South America, 尤其是在秘鲁.

St. Francis Solanus College was “an institution for the higher education of boys and young men under the direction of the Order of Friars Minor, or Franciscans, 圣心省. It is officially recognized by Bishops and Priests as the Diocesan College of the Catholic Diocese of Alton, Illinois. There is, however, 没有任何地方或地方特色, 它的学生来自全国各地, 甚至来自国外”(p. 5).


Fr. Augustine Tolton

Fr. 托尔顿出生时是密苏里中部一个种植园的奴隶. As as small child, he fled with his family to Quincy at the start of the Civil War. He was drawn to the priesthood from an early age but because of his race he was not accepted into any seminaries in the US. 相反,他在梵蒂冈接受了培训. He was ordained in 1886 and returned to Quincy to head a parish for African-American Catholics.

A few years later, he was transferred to Chicago to begin a parish there for African-Americans. 在1897年的一次热浪中,Fr. 托尔顿倒在街上死了. 应他的要求,他被送回昆西安葬. Recently, the Archdiocese of Chicago has requested the Vatican to consider Fr. 奥古斯都·托尔顿被封为圣徒.

布伦纳图书馆拥有各种各样的资料有关Fr. 包括报纸上的文章, copies of letters, 当地历史学家写的关于他一生的照片和文章. 联系Patricia Tomczak 咨询电话217-228-5351.

Fr. Tolton ——随笔《他们叫他Fr. 格斯,讲述第一位非裔天主教神父的一生.



《陀螺年鉴》出版于1949年至2001年. The volumes have been digitized and are available to download in PDF, full text or to your Kindle. 它们也可以通过Internet Archive访问 here. 只要搜索全球赌博十大网站,昆西学院或Gyrfalcon. A gyrfalcon is the name for the largest species of falcon that live on Arctic coasts and the islands of North America, Europe, and Asia. Since the hawk is the mascot of Quincy University and the falcon is used as the name for the student newspaper, 用陀螺这个名字命名年鉴是再合适不过了.




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